The factory charge in the outdoor unit includes enough
charge for the unit and a most sold matched evaporator.
Some indoor coil matches may require some additional
Sweat connect units also include sufficient charge for 15
feet of lines. Pre–charged line lengths are factory
charged with the correct amount of refrigerant required.
Table 2 lists the refrigerant line charges.
The “TOTAL SYSTEM CHARGE” must be permanently
stamped on the unit data plate.
Total system charge is determined as follows:
Determine outdoor unit charge from tabular data
Determine indoor coil adjustment from tabular data
Calculate the line charge using Table 2 factors. Cal-
culate over 15 feet of sweat lines for sweat connect
NOTE: For sweat connect lines, the line charge over 15
feet should be included on the data plate and
must be added to the system.
Total system charge = 1 + item 2 + item 3.
Permanently stamp the unit plate with the total
amount of refrigerant in the system.
Use the following list to see that nothing was over looked.
Have all braze joints on refrigerant lines been
leaked checked?
Have base valves been opened?
Have all refrigerant lines been secured and iso-
lated properly?
Is the indoor coil drain hooked up and draining
freely? Pour water in drain pan.
Is air filter installed and clean?
Is blower motor speed set correctly?
Step 1 – With thermostat set to the OFF position, close
disconnect switch or switches to complete circuits to
condensing unit, furnace or air handler. Set thermostat
to call for cooling.
Step 2 – After the system starts, check the voltage and
amperage at the condensing unit contactor.
Step 3 – If voltage is not within 10% of rated voltage, or
amperage greatly exceeds nameplate amperage, shut
down the system and contact the local power company
for corrections; otherwise unsatisfactory performance
may result.
Step 4 – With the system in operation, check the con-
densing unit for unusual noises and undue vibration.
Step 5 – Allow the system tp operate until it is balanced
or stabilized (approximately 30 minutes), before mak-
ing further check.
Remove manifold gage hoses and install cap on
Schrader valves.
After installation is complete, place unit data sheet and
installation instructions in customer packet and give to
home owner.
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Unitary Products Group
Post Office Box 19014, Wichita, Ks. 67204
Subject to change without notice. Printed in U.S.A.
by Unitary Products Group 1997. All Rights Reserved.
550.46–N2Y (698)