Johnson Controls Unitary Products
D C 090 N10 A 7 A AA 7 0 1 2 4 A
D = A/C, Single Pkg., R-407C
Product Category
7 = Seventh Generation
Product Generation
C00 = Cooling Only. No heat installed
Heat Type and Nominal Heat Capacity
N10 = 100 MBH Output Aluminized Steel
N15 = 150 MBH Output Aluminized Steel
S10 = 100 MBH Output Stainless Steel
S15 = 150 MBH Output Stainless Steel
E09 = 9 KW
E18 = 18 KW
E24 = 24 KW
E36 = 36 KW
E54 = 54 KW
Gas Heat Options
Electric Heat Options*
Nominal Cooling Capacity
090 = 7.5 Ton
120 = 10.0 Ton
150 = 12.5 Ton
Product Identifier
C = 9.0 EER A/C
7 = 380/415-3-50
Product Style
A = Style A
B = Style B
C = Style C
A = No Options Installed
Installation Options
B = Option 1
C = Option 2
D = Options 1 & 2
E = Option 3
F = Option 4
G = Options 1 & 3
H = Options 1 & 4
J = Options 1, 2 & 3
K = Options 1, 2, & 4
L = Options 1,3 & 4
M = Options 1, 2, 3, & 4
N = Options 2 & 3
P = Options 2 & 4
Q = Options 2, 3, & 4
R = Options 3 & 4
S = Option 5
T = Options 1 & 5
U = Options 1, 3, & 5
V = Options 1, 4, & 5
W = Options 1, 3, 4, & 5
X = Options 3 & 5
Y = Options 4 & 5
Z = Options 3, 4 & 5
1 = Disconnect
2 = Non-Pwr'd Conv. Outlet
3 = Smoke Detector S.A.
4 = Smoke Detector R.A.
5 = Pwr'd Conv. Outlet
SS Drain Pan
Configuration Options (not required for all units)
These four digits will not be assigned until a quote is requested, or an order placed.
Honeywell Controller, DFS, APS
CPC Controller, DFS, APS
Simplicity®Smart Equipment w/Comm Card (BACnet, N2, Mod-Bus)
2" Pleated filters
BAS Ready Unit with Economizer
Shipping Bag
Any Combination of Additional Options that Don’t Have an Option Code Pre-assigned
AA = None
AB = Phase Monitor
AC = Coil Guard
AD = Dirty Filter Switch
AE = Phase Monitor & Coil Guard
AF = Phase Monitor & Dirty Filter Switch
AG = Coil Guard & Dirty Filter Switch
AH = Phase Monitor, Coil Guard & Dirty Filter Switch
Additional Options
RC = Coil Guard, Shipping Bag & American Flag
EA = E-coat Condenser Coil
EJ = E-coat Evaporator Coil
ES = E-coat Cond & Evap Coils
7.5-12.5 Ton York
Model Number Nomenclature
ZZ = If desired option combination is not listed above, ZZ will be assigned and configuration options will be
located in digits 15-18.
*DC090 No Factory Electric Heat Options
A = Std. Motor
D = Std. Motor/Motorized Damper (Downflow Only)
H = Std Motor/Low Leak Econ/Barometric Relief (Downflow
& Horizontal End Return Only)
J = Std Motor/Low Leak Econ/Power Exhaust (Downflow
& Horizontal End Return Only)
N = Hi Static
R = Hi Static/Motorized Damper (Downflow Only)
V = Hi Static Mtr/Low Leak Econ/Barometric Relief
(Downflow & Horizontal End Return Only)
W = Hi Static Mtr/Low Leak Econ/Power Exhaust
(Downflow & Horizontal End Return Only)