TI 04R01B01-01EN
Dec. 12, 2011-00
This document describes the configuration of the main devices– including the range settings of the YTMX580
Multi-Point Temperature Transmitter, the connection to the field wireless network, and an example of displaying
the process data (PV values) on the DX2000 Paperless Recorder or the MW100 Data Acquisition Unit.
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Scope of Explanation in this Document
• This document does not explain the basic operations of operating systems such as Windows XP. For the basic
operations of the respective operating system, please read the User’s Guide or other documentation of the
respective operating system.
• This document does not explain the basic settings and operations of software, including the configuration tools,
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Disclaimer for this Document
• Yokogawa does not provide any guarantees regarding the details on the configuration explained in this docu
• Yokogawa does not assume any responsibility for any damage directly or indirectly suffered by the user or any
third party related to the use of the details on the configuration explained in this document.
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