IM 12A01A02-01E
8th Edition : Oct. 01, 2015-00
Main display (Dual display, Individual display)
Main display
Auto Return
Ad.just contrast
MONITOR display
Display setup
Dual display
Individual display
Auto Return
Adjust contrast
MONITOR display
Display setup
Figure 4.7
Display setup screens for a single module (left) and two modules (right)
Main display
When one module is installed on the instrument, only the Main display is available.
Three measurement values can be set to display on the Main display as a primary value (1st
line), a second value (2nd line) and a third value (3rd line) respectively.
On the “Additional text”, a text of up to 12 alphanumeric characters can be assigned to each
measurement value.
Additional texts are displayed on the Main display, and are useful for identifying measurements.
In some cases, not all 12 characters can be displayed due to the letters; check the texts
displayed on the Main display after setting. If a part of the text is missing, adjust the number of
Dual display
This screen is used to set items to be displayed in the top part (1st row) and bottom part (2nd
row) of the Home display. These settings are available when two sensors are installed in the
When the “Empty” is selected for the 2nd row, the Home display can not be displayed.
Individual display
When two modules are installed on the instrument, display items on the Main display for each
module can be set on these settings.
On the “PH1 display” or “PH2 display” screen, three measurement values can be set to display
on each Main display as a primary value (1st line), a second value (2nd line) and a third value
(3rd line) respectively.
On the “Additional text”, a text of up to 12 alphanumeric characters can be assigned to each
measurement value.
Additional texts are displayed on the Main display, and are useful for identifying measurements.
In some cases, not all 12 characters can be displayed due to the letters; check the texts
displayed on the Main display after setting. If a part of the text is missing, adjust the number of