IM 701450-61E
Trend Source Waveform
The waveforms on which trend is displayed are as follows:
Computation Name
CH1 to CH8
CH1 to CH8 and Math1
On the menu, CH1 to CH8 may be indicated as C1 to C8, Math1 as M1, and Math2 as M2.
CH5 to CH8 can only be used on the DL7480.
The trend is displayed when you press the Execute button.
Trend Target Parameter (Measurement Parameter)
If Trend is selected, select the measurement parameter of the trend source waveform
(see the table below) to be displayed as a trend. The selectable parameters vary
depending on whether power analysis is enabled on the selected trend source waveform
as indicated below.
• CH1, CH3, and CH5 (CH5 Only Applies to the DL7480) When Power Analysis Is
Specified on the Trend Source Waveform
Power analysis parameters:
For details on how to determine each parameter, see “Determining Power Analysis Parameters”
on the next page.
UP-P, U+pk, U-pk, Udc, Urms, Uac, Umn, Urmn, S, P, Q, Z,
, Wp, Wp+, and Wp-
Standard measurement parameters:
For details on how to determine each parameter, section 10.6 in the
DL7440/DL7480 User’s Manual
+OShot, -OShot, Freq, Period, Rise, Fall, +Width, -Width, Duty, Burst1, Burst2, Pulse, High,
Low, AvgFreq, AvgPeriod, Int1TY, and Int2TY
• CH2, CH4, and CH6 (CH6 Only Applies to the DL7480) When Power Analysis Is
Specified on the Trend Source Waveform
Power analysis parameters:
For details on how to determine each parameter, see “Determining Power Analysis Parameters”
on the next page.
IP-P, I+pk, I-pk, Idc, Irms, Iac, Imn, Irmn, q, q+, q-, and I
Standard measurement parameters:
For details on how to determine each parameter, section 10.6 in the
DL7440/DL7480 User’s Manual
+OShot, -OShot, Freq, Period, Rise, Fall, +Width, -Width, Duty, Burst1, Burst2, Pulse, High,
Low, AvgFreq, AvgPeriod, Int1TY, and Int2TY
• CH7, CH8, Math1, and CH1 to CH6 (CH5 to CH8 only apply to the DL7480) When
Power Analysis Is Not Specified on the Trend Source Waveform
Standard measurement parameters:
For details on how to determine each parameter, section 10.6 in the
DL7440/DL7480 User’s Manual
P-P, Max, Min, Rms, Avg, Sdev, High, Low, +OShot, -OShot, Freq, Period, Rise, Fall, +Width, -
Width, Duty, Burst1, Burst2, Pulse, AvgFreq, AvgPeriod, Int1TY, and Int2TY
The displayed trend is cleared when waveform acquisition is started.
If you execute trend display by changing the record number of the history waveform (see section 10.1
in the
DL7440/DL7480 User’s Manual
), the previous trend before execution is cleared.
You cannot perform history search on the trend display.
You cannot perform GO/NO-GO determination on the zone or measured values of the trend.
The waveform of the displayed trend cannot be saved. The original measured values of
waveform parameters per cycle used for the trend display can be saved. For instruction on
saving the measured values, see section 12.9 in the
DL7440/DL7480 User’s Manual
The original waveform data used to determine the measured values of waveform parameters
per cycle can be saved. If the original waveform data is saved in binary format, waveform
parameter measurement per cycle can be executed, and the trend can be displayed by
loading the data into the DL7400 with the Power Analysis Function (/G4 option). For
instructions on saving the data in binary format, see section 12.7 in the
User’s Manual
8 Displaying the Trend of the Measured Values of Waveform Parameters per Cycle