IM AQ1100-01EN
Loading a Project File
Load the same project file onto the master and the slave.
Press the
Multi-Core Loss Test
soft key and then the
soft key to display the following screen.
Set the drive to load from (internal memory,
USB memory)
Loads the file
The project information is loaded from the
selected file, and the loss test screen appears.
Use the
rotary knob
select a project information file.
Restarting an Interrupted Loss Test
When the loss test for a shared project is interrupted, you can restart it where it left off, retaining the
results of the test so far.
The operation for restarting the test is the same for both the master and the slave.
Press the
Multi-Core Loss Test
soft key and then the
Previous Project
soft key to display the
following screen.
Loads the previous project
The lost test screen appears with the previous
lost test data retained.
Display Example: Master
7.2 Sharing Projects