Additional Bits Manipulation
BIT ____ TX ____ Si
RCV __ Sa
__ Code Word (CRC-4, NFSA Bit n)
__ E-b (CRC-4, FRAME 13, 15)
__ S-b (Spare Bits, CAS MFM Bits
T/S-16, Frame-0 Bit 5,7,8)
This item changes or displays the bits’ information according to the framing selection.
By pressing the RESULT key and selecting the CURRENT item, the 'FULL E1' or 'Nx64' information will
be displayed.
There are three choices for the IDLE item which are 7E, 7F and FF. The selected code will be inserted into
the unused channels in the Nx64 mode. The IDLE value 7E is default at power-up.
By selecting this option, the tester will capture incoming data every 32 bits received on the payload and
display on the second and the third lines of the screen. The order of the captured data is displayed from the
upper left to the lower right. The last bit received is the lower right bit.
The SIG (signaling bits) is embedded in the T/S 16 of the CAS data stream. There are two directions for
the SIG: TX (transmit) and RX (receive). The SIG on the TX direction can be changed by the user. In the
RX direction, user can check the incoming ABCD signaling bits information for all channels by pressing
the MORE (F4) soft key. In the TX direction, user will be asked to enter a channel number for the
signaling bits. The valid channel numbers range from 02 to 32(Except 17). Again, the preceding 0 for
single digits is needed in the channel number input. After user enters the channel number, the cursor will
appear at the place where user can change the information. Only 0 and 1 are allowed for the signaling bit.
At this moment, the keyboard is engaged for inputting numbers so the function key is disabled until the
user goes through all 30 channels by pressing the MORE (F4) button.
By selecting this item, all Error Counters will be reset to zero and start a new test.
S/N (Serial Number)
This item will show the tester's serial number on screen for reference and maintenance.
The HELP Key
The HELP key displays helpful information relating to user's current operation.