M240 V4 Series IP MODEM User Manual
Add:Floor 14,A06 building, No.370,Chengyi Street,Jimei District, Xiamen,China.
Web: www.yifanwireless.com H86 592 6101492 Fax:+86 592 5222813
3.8 Global Parameters
3.8.1 Data Frame Parameters
Bytes Interval(MS)
The time interval used to determine whether the serial data frame
transmission has completed, IP MODEM will send the serial data to
the center when two bytes transmit time interval larger than this item
value.(in milliseconds)
TCP Max packet length
3.8.2 Action for data send fail
When data send to server fail(there are not response from server),IP modem will take a failed
action after setting delay.
Re-send int
The time interval if re-send fail
The max times of sending data failure
Fail Action
You can decide what action to take if sending data fail,including Dia
again ,reconnect,reboot.
Delay before action
The time delay before Modem takes actions if sending data fail
3.8.3 Other Parameters
SMS Center
The local SMS center number. It should set according to the local
Heartbeat Int.(s)
Time interval sent heartbeat packet. (in second)