M240 V4 Series IP MODEM User Manual
Add:Floor 14,A06 building, No.370,Chengyi Street,Jimei District, Xiamen,China.
Web: www.yifanwireless.com H86 592 6101492 Fax:+86 592 5222813
3.5 Serial port
IP MODEM support two individual serial ports, RS232 and RS485. All the three ports can
enter configuration state. The default parameters of the port with baudrate 115200, data
property 8N1
The data from the three port can bind to Data center.
the baud rate of the PORT
1200 --- 1200 bps
2400 --- 2400 bps
4800 --- 4800 bps
9600 --- 9600 bps
14400 --- 14400 bps
19200 --- 19200 bps
38400 --- 38400 bps
56000 --- 56000 bps
57600 --- 57600 bps
115200 --- 115200 bps
Databit, Parity, Stopbit
8N1 --- 8 Databit, No parity, 1 Stopbit
8E1 --- 8 Databit, Even parity, 1 Stopbit
8O1 --- 8 Databit, Odd parity, 1 Stopbit
Center1: the data from the port send to center 1
Center2: the data from the port send to center 3
Center3: the data from the port send to center 3
Center4: the data from the port send to center 4
Center5: the data from the port send to center 5
ALL: the data from the port send to all centers