The model 620 comes already assembled. The only assembly is connecting the logger to the battery
charger or to the PC by cable supplied.
General Description
The model 620 is a fully submersible water quality data logger designed for unattended
deployment. The unit is an ideal tool for long term deployment where accuracy and reliability are
required ‐ can be used in a wide variety of application including water ways, bore holes, sea, dams
and ponds. The machined PVC and stainless steel assembly makes this data logger tough and
The instrument consists of a multi‐sensor probe which has internal memory and batteries so it can
both store data and output in real time.Communication to and from the probe is in half duplex
serial where data is transferred to the PC using serial communications giving reliable, interference
free measurements and also commands are sent to the logger using the same interface. Commands
sent and data received are handled by the accompanying PC Windows® software. The calibration
routine is also handled with the software.
The model 620 comes with storage container to protect the sensors while the instrument is in
Non volatile memory for full capacity of 20800 samples.
ADC bits:
Sample Rate:
Logging from 1 per 10 seconds
Real time: 8 sensors ‐ 1 per second or 12 sensors 1 per 2 seconds (approximate
Baud rate 9600, 8 data bits, No parity, 1 stop bits (8‐N‐1) (baud of 4800
available in settings)
Nickel metal hydride pack with 4500mAH or
Lithium ion battery pack with capacity of 3520mAH
Machined grey PVC and stainless steel
511mm X 68mm diameter. Suspension bracket makes diameter 82mm.
2 kg