When this tab is selected the calibration constants will be downloaded from the 620 – this will take
a short time. After the calibration constants are downloaded the DO stirrer will be started and raw
sensor values are being sent out from the probe in real time. The terminal screen on the right will
show populating values as they are received by the PC.
Parameter button:
Selects the parameter to calibrate and loads the constants from memory to the
Calibrate Low / High Point:
Used to select which set point to calibrate – low or high.
Show last dig:
As the electronic analogue to digital converter in the probe is very sensitive it is
useful to ignore the last raw sensor value digit. The last digit has no effect on the output value and
it likely not stable due to background noise.
This button is used to hold the Raw Sensor Value and stop it from changing. Pressing this
allows the set point to be changed and then Calculate and Save button pressed.
Calibrate and Save:
This button takes the Raw Sensor Value and set point values and adds them to
the calibration constants table with newly calculated Offset and Slope.
If the Calibrate Low or high point button is pressed not intentionally then this button will
cancel from that selection.
It is possible to change the calibration values in the calibration table then recalculate.
This may be useful to estimate a change in calibration and recalculate the slope and offset.
Send Calibration to probe:
When calibration is complete the constants need to be uploaded to the