The model 620 will communicate with the PC with the communication software, however it has a
number of commands which be used to create a non standard /customized deployment.
Connecting to the PC
Connect the USB adapter to the Windows PC. If available, a driver will be activated and a COMS
(communication) port number will be assigned. If a driver installation is required an computer
administrator is required to install the driver. The driver can be downloaded from
www.yeokal.com.au > Manual/Downloads >Drivers & Software>Prolific USB Adapter Driver.
Note: Each USB port assigns a different COMS port number.
Connect the communication cable to the probe and tighten the knurled ring (not too tightly!).
Connect the other end to the USB adapter into the computer.
Communication specification:
Data bits: 8
Stop bits: 1
Advanced command list available on application.
Communication Software
Once the USB driver is installed, start the communication software YK Smart Comms. YK Smart
Comms is a program that will run from the single file (no installation is necessary) which is best
copied and run from the Desktop. It is not recommended to run from the CD or flash drive as the
software saves settings to the computer and requires a writable destination.
When the software starts and the USB cable is connected; the COMS port will be automatically
selected and opened and the ready to communicate with the 620.