BizFAX-E Series Client User Manual
Page 41
Appendix A
How to make fax file in TIFF format?
Here, we take use of BizFAX’s virtual fax printer (BizFAX) to make .TIFF fax file.
Take an example of a Word format file:
Step 1: Open the Word format file, click ‘File’ –‘Print’.
Step 2: Select the ‘BizFAX’ on pop-up screen and click ‘OK’, BizFAX will transfer
the word file into TIFF format file.
Figure A-1
Step 3: Open the installation routing of BizFAXClient, there is a FaxFile folder,
where is the transferred TIFF files saved.
For example, BizFAXClient was installed on
\Program Files\Yeastar\BizFAXClient, as Figure A-2