BizFAX-E Series Client User Manual
Page 37
4.9 Internal Communications among extensions
For the convenience of communications among extensions, BizFAX
embedded an instant talk system allow users to get voice calls or text chat
with other members.
4.9.1 Voice Talk
There are three ways to make a call between extensions:
Double click on the extension number that you want to call
Enter the ext.number directly on the box and click ‘Call’ button
3) Dial the ext. number on the small keyboard and click ‘Call’ or ‘Enter’
Figure 4-38
4.9.2 Text Chat
BizFAXClient provides the internal instant message system for users to chat
easily with other members on extensions listing.
On extensions list, select the member you want to chat with, click ‘Start Chat’
button or click mouse right to open the chat screen.