BizFAX-E Series Client User Manual
Page 23
Figure 4-17
Create a name for this folder on the following box
Figure 4-18
Drag fax to folder
Click on the selected fax file and hold down the mouse, drag it into required
4.5.3 Delete Fax
After clicked ‘Delete’ button, it will prompt a check window ‘Are you sure to
move the fax(s) to deleted items folder’.
Click ‘Yes’
The deleted items will be saved on trash folder temporary.
Users can easily to restore the miss deleted file from trash folder to
origital position.
If need to permanently delete the fax, on trash folder, click ‘Delete’ on
selected fax will be OK.
2. Click ‘No’
Will not to delete the fax.
4.5.4 Print Fax
If user wants to print out the fax, only open it and click
button, system
will prompt a window as Figure 4-18.