Enterprise IP Phone Using the Advanced Phone Functions
Network Setting
PC Port Setting
Please refer to the previous part “Configuration and Registration” for the basic Network
WAN setting information. The following table lists the instructions of the field about the
Network PC Port Setting.
Field Name
As Bridge
If you select the Bridge mode, then the two Fast Ethernet ports will
be transparent.
As Router
If you select the Router mode, the SIP phone will work as a router.
IP address
User could configure the PC port IP address.
DHCP Server
If you set the DHCP server on, the device connected to the PC port
will get the IP address automatically between the start IP address
and the end IP address. But if you select the bridge mode, the DHCP
server can not work.
Start IP
Indicate the range of the IP address.
End IP
Indicate the range of the IP address.