2.11 Easy Maintenance
Easy Maintenance
means the support for adding and removing modules during operation
without having to restart the system. Here the following behavior is shown by the example
of a CPU:
Electronic module is removed
The CPU detects a module failure on the backplane bus.
Diagnostic message
‘System SLIO bus failure’
(0x39D0) is triggered.
OB 86 is called. If this is not available, the CPU switches to STOP otherwise it
remains in RUN.
The SF LED of the CPU lights up.
The I/O data of all modules become invalid.
Identical electronic module is plugged
The CPU detects the module return on the backplane bus.
The SF-LED of the CPU gets off.
All RUN LEDs on the modules get on and the MF LEDs get off.
Diagnostic message
‘System SLIO bus recovery’
(0x38D0) is triggered.
OB 86 is called. If this is not available, the CPU switches to STOP otherwise it
remains in RUN.
The I/O data of all modules become valid again.
Wrong electronic module is plugged
The CPU detects the wrong module.
Diagnostic message
‘System SLIO bus recovery, but expected configuration does
not match actual configuration’
(0x38D1) is triggered.
The SF LED of the CPU remains on.
The MF LED of the wrong module flashes.
OB 86 is called. If this is not available, the CPU switches to STOP otherwise it
remains in RUN.
With the exception of the wrong module, the I/O data of all modules become valid
Please note that the CPU switches to STOP, if there is no OB 86 config-
ured when adding or removing System SLIO modules!
Please note, that Easy Maintenance is not supported by the 16x
periphery modules!
Basics and mounting
Easy Maintenance
HB300 | FM | 050-1BS00 | en | 20-40