SIEP C730600 88F MECHATROLINK-III Technical Manual
Put the LED label (B) in the appropriate position on the drive front cover (A).
A - Drive front cover
B - LED label
Figure 5.3 Put the LED Label on the Drive Front Cover
Insert the option (A) into the CN5-A connector (C) on the drive and use the included screws (B) to put it in
place. Tighten the screw to 0.5 to 0.6 N•m (4.4 to 5.3 in•lb).
A - Option
B - Included screws
C - Connector CN5-A
Figure 5.4 Install the Option
Connect one end of the ground wire (C) to the ground terminal (B) using one of the remaining provided
screws (D). Connect the other end of the ground wire (C) to the remaining ground terminal and installation
hole on the option (A) using the last remaining provided screw (D).
• Tighten both screws to 0.5 to 0.6 N•m (4.4 to 5.3 in•lb).
A - Option
B - Drive grounding terminal (FE)
C - Ground wire
D - Included screws
Figure 5.5 Connect the Ground Wire