ArcWorld IV-6200 XHD DR2C System Manual
Selecting Weld Job (Initial Setup Only)
Selecting the wrong job can cause unexpected robot motion. Care
must be taken to ensure proper job is selected.
1. In the Sweep A (or B) Job, select the line that states, “PStart Job:Test A (or
B) sub 2.”
2. Cursor to highlight “PStart Job:Test A (or B) sub 2.” This command appears
at the bottom of the display screen.
3. Cursor to the TestA (or B) job and push SELECT. The job list is displayed.
4. Select the desired job using the cursor and press ENTER to change the job
and modify the PStart command in the sweep job.
Starting the Master Job
With the system powered up and in TEACH mode, call up the Master job, then:
1. Press TOP MENU key on programming pendant.
2. Select JOB icon using cursor keys and press SELECT.
3. Cursor to SELECT JOB and press SELECT key. Job list appears on display
4. Using cursor keys, move cursor to Master job and press SELECT. Master job
appears on display screen.
5. Make sure the cell door is closed and securely latched.
6. Press PLAY mode button on playback panel. Playback operation is enabled.
7. Press SERVO ON READY button on playback panel.
8. Place ENABLE/DISABLE switch on operator station in ENABLE position.
The controller is placed in REMOTE mode and system control is transferred
to operator station.
9. Press START button on operator station. Master job cycles, waiting for a
Cycle Start input from operator station.
The ArcWorld IV-6200 XHD DR2C cell is now ready for operation.
Perform Operation Cycle
Use the following procedures to operate the ArcWorld IV-6200 XHD DR2C cell.
1. Load production parts on fixtures located on operator side of positioner.
2. Step out of safety light curtains.
Before sweeping at first power up, make sure the correct job has been loaded and weight of
parts and fixtures is approximately equal on both sides of positioner (see Section 3.4).
3. Press the CYCLE START button on operator station to sweep positioner. The
positioner sweeps, placing unwelded parts in robot’s welding area and
turning the empty side to operator’s loading area. The sweep range is 180
4. After the positioner sweeps, the robots begin welding sequence on the parts.
Coordinated motion capabilities allow positioner to rotate parts on
positioner, while robots move and weld at same time.
5. Load more parts to be welded onto fixture on operator side of positioner.