5. When the motor has stopped, apply a DOWN command. The inverter will accelerate the motor in the
opposite direction to the nominal speed. Release the DOWN command a few seconds after the nominal
speed has been reached.
To abort the tuning set parameter n5-05 to “0”.
Feed Forward Compensation P-Gain Setup
Increase the gain to improve the responsiveness to the speed reference.
Decrease the gain if vibrations or oscillations occur.
1. The order of giving the UP or DOWN command has no influence.
2. n5-01 should not be changed from the factory value for the tuning.
3. After the run in both directions is finished, parameter n5-05 is automatically set back to “0”.
4. The autotuning will be performed only if the inspection speed input is set.
5. Do not change the mechanical constants (load, inertia) between the runs.