Yashica Twin Lens Reflex Guide - Focal Press January 1964
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The ideal body stance. Sling the camera round your neck, supporting it against the chest, and stand with your feet
slightly apart.
Although the standard hold for the Yashica reflex is the steadiest, various alternatives are possible in special
situations. You can hold the camera above your head to shoot over crowds, etc. (left); You can shoot round the
corner (centre left) or for action subjects you can use the eye-level finder (centre right). For time exposures mount the
camera on a tripod (right) and release the shutter with the aid of the cable release.
However elegant it may be to carry the camera on a long strap from the shoulder, this is quite unsuitable for quick action.
A better method is to carry it on a short strap around the neck at chest-level ready for work.
The ever-ready case enables the Yashica reflex to be used without removing it from the case. The anchoring lugs on either
side prevent the camera from failing out.