Yashica Twin Lens Reflex Guide - Focal Press January 1964
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Scans and Document copyright by Mischa Koning - www.3106.net
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Wind off film, after all 12 exposures have been taken, by turning the film crank handle another 6 turns to wind
off the remainder of film and backing paper.
Open camera back.
Remove the exposed film, close back or reload with new film.
Advance the film to the next number by turning up the crank handle and swinging it smoothly forward-
downwards to its stop and then backward to its stop and fold it over into its rest position. The next number will
then show in the film counter window.
Select shutter speed by turning the thumb wheel (right) until the speed required appears in the cut out window on
the top of the finder lens, the figures engraved 1, 2, 4, 8, 15, 30, 60, 125, 250, 500 are fractions of seconds and
stand for 1/1,½,¼, 1/15, 1/30, 1/60, 1/125,1/250, 1/500 sec. See also the chapter on "Exposure".
Select aperture by turning the thumb wheel (left) until the required aperture appears in the cut-out window on top
of the finder lens. See also the chapter on "Exposure".
Focus and determine picture area. See p. 10, "The Reflex Finder".
Release the shutter gently by pressing the release button on the camera front.
Special Controls
TIME EXPOSURES are made by setting the shutter to B - the shutter will remain open as long as the release is depressed.
Use a cable release. See the chapter on "Exposure".
FLASH SYNCHRONIZATION. The shutter is XM synchronized and is set to the X or M position by pushing the lever
(with yellow head) behind the aperture thumb wheel to the engraved X or M. See the chapter on "Flash".
SELF-TIMER (delayed action release). This permits the photographer to appear in the picture. Place the camera on a
tripod or other rigid support. Set flash synchronizing lever to X and push down the delayed action lever (with red head) on
the base of the shutter as far as it will go. On pressing the shutter release, the shutter opens after a delay of approximately
10 sec. The delayed action can be used with all speeds from 1-1/500 sec. If set to B it will release but gives a speed of
approximately 1/60 sec.
It can also be used with flash shots, but only with X Synchronization.