Yashica Twin Lens Reflex Guide - Focal Press January 1964
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Yashica reflex 635.
As model D with facilities for using 35 mm. miniature film by incorporating additionial transport knob, film
counter and rewind control. Supplied with conversion kit.
Yashica Mat reflex.
As general description above, fitted with Yashinon f3.5 80 mm. and finder lens f3.2, shutter 1 to 1/500 sec., built-
in delayed action. fully XM synchronized. Aperture and speed setting in cut-out window above finder lens,
controlled by thumb wheels with click stops. Film transport fully automatic by lever wind. Fresnel lens in reflex
Yashica Mal-LM.
As Yashica-Mat, but has built-in photo-electric exposure meter, uncoupled, scale built into focusing knob.
The 4 x 4 models are:
Yashica 44.
As general description above with Yashikor f3.5 60 mm. lens in bayonet mount, crank handle for film transport.
Copal shutter speeds 1 to 1/500 sec., built-in self-timer, fully XM synchronized, focusing screen with field lens.
Yashica 44A.
As model 44 but lens with push-on mount, transport by wheel, non-automatic, shutter speeds1/25 to 1/300 sec., X
synchronized, no delayed action release.
Yashica 44LM.
As model 44 but with Yashinon f3.5 60 mm. lens, with built-in photo-electric exposure meter, uncoupled, scale
built into film transport knob, semiautomatic film transport.