Synergy Quick Start Guide
Ver: 20150709
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Generic Setup
This section describes each of the most critical settings for basic operation as well as the
default value for each of those settings. If a user wishes to change any of the defaults, they
may follow the instructions in the appropriate sub-section. If any changes are made to the
default settings, the user must save the configuration in order to retain the settings in the
case of a power failure or system reset. All menu references can be found in Figure 1 (eg.
Menu A1).
Saving the Configuration
Navigate to menu B11, press select, choose “local” and press select again. This will save
your changes to local memory so that if the controller loses power or is reset, your changes
will not be lost.
System Enabled/Disabled
Default Value:
System Disabled
Navigate to menu B1. The current state of the system is displayed. Press select to toggle
between disabled and enabled. Manual flushes can be run in either state, but automated
flushes will only run when the system is enabled.
Active Stations
Default Value:
Stations 1 and 2 enabled
Navigate to menu B2 to view the active stations. To change which stations are active, press
select on this menu. Rotate the dial to choose the station number of interest and press
select to toggle its setting (enabled/disabled). Rotate the dial to “exit” and press select to go
back to the Active Stations menu. Active stations will display their station number, while
inactive stations will be represented by a dash.
Flush Timing
Default Value:
Navigate to menu B4 to view the Flush Timing setting. Press select and rotate the dial to
select between periodic and scheduled timing. Periodic timing allows a user to set up to 4
period windows in a day during which a backwash will occur at a configurable interval. The
user can also select if they wish to enable an “End of Window Flush” or EoWF to ensure
that a flush always occurs at the end of a period window. Scheduled timing allows a user to
schedule the hour and minute of up to 96 backwashes in a day. The option selected here