YAMARIN 68 Cabin
21 (39)
The engine will not start if the emergency switch is not attached to the switch on the remote
A rotating propeller presents a life-threatening danger to a swimmer or a
person that has fallen overboard. Use an emergency switch to turn off the
engine always when a swimmer or water skier is about to re-enter the boat
from the water.
Gearshift and throttle
The engine is put into gear by pushing the button on the gear/throttle handle upwards with
your fingers, and by pushing or pulling the gear/throttle lever forward or backward depending
on which direction you are planning to set out. When the engine is in gear, you adjust the boat
speed with the same gear/throttle lever.
When the boat is travelling forward slowly, you can use the reversing gear for braking, for
instance, when approaching the quay. Shifting into reverse must not be done if the boat is
travelling at higher speeds, because it damages the engine.
Adjusting of trim angle
The following are the main rules when adjusting the trim angle:
When bringing the boat to plane, keep the "bow down" position
When the boat is planing, and in the event that the sea is still, the bow is
lifted until you can feel that both the engine and the boat move very easily.
In calm water, the engine should normally be trimmed up at least 3 scale
marks on the trim indicator on the rev counter If engine is trimmed up too
much, the speed of the boat is reduced. If the boat is trimmed too low, both
boat and engine run heavily. To achieve good fuel economy it is important
to drive the boat with the right engine trim angle.
In a heavy sea lower the bow to allow it to slice through the waves better,
thus providing a smoother ride.
In following waves, raise the bow to avoid "diving" into the waves.
Do not drive the boat at high speeds with the engine trimmed up (bow up) as
there is a risk of sudden heeling when the propeller hits the water again after a flight in heavy
waves. Likewise do not drive at high speed with the engine completely trimmed down (bow
down) since this can cause the boat to pitch unexpectedly when it hits the water
It is possible,
using the boat’s trim
, to correct the sideways heeling to ensure that the boat is
moving completely upright both when there is a side wind as well as when the boat is
unevenly loaded. It is true to say that all planing boats lie against the wind. However, when
the boat is equipped with trim tabs, its direction can be straightened by putting down the
windward trim tab. This enables the boat to run much more smoothly through the waves. If
you want to reduce the impact of waves even further, you can trim up windward, which
causes the waves to go more under the bottom of the boat.
Adjust the trim tabs with care when at high speed – it dramatically
changes the behaviour of the boat. Do not run the boat with the
bow too much down, as the boat can pitch unexpectedly.