Protective structure
The vehicle cage/frame provides a protective
structure that helps limit intrusions by branch-
es or other objects and may reduce your risk
of injury in accidents. The protective structure
will not protect occupants in all rollovers or
Body parts outside of vehicle can be struck
by passing objects or crushed during vehicle
rollover. Do not put your hands or feet outside
of the vehicle for any reason. Do not hold onto
the door, cage/frame or shoulder bolster.
Wear your seat belt and helmet.
If you think or feel that the vehicle may tip or
roll, do not put your hands or feet outside the
vehicle for any reason. You will not be able to
stop the vehicle from tipping over using your
body. Any part of your body (arms, legs, or
head) outside of the vehicle can be crushed
by the vehicle cage/frame.
Seat belts
Seat belts should be worn by the driver and
passenger. The driver must be sure that the
passenger is belted before driving.
Be sure the seat belt is not twisted, is close-
fitting across the hips and chest, and is
latched securely.
Do not wear the seat belt across the abdo-
men or stomach.
Do not put the seat belt behind the back.
Failure to use seat belts properly may lead to
an increased likelihood and severity of injury.
An unbelted occupant may strike the interior
of the vehicle, the protective structure, or oth-
er objects in an accident or during operation.
You may also fall completely out or be partial-
ly ejected from the vehicle, which may lead to
being crushed between the ground and the
vehicle. Wearing the seat belt helps you re-
main in the vehicle – the doors and passenger
handhold are not a substitute for using a seat
U2MB7BE0.book Page 5 Thursday, March 3, 2016 11:46 AM