Braking can be extremely difficult
on a wet road. Avoid hard braking,
because the scooter could slide.
Apply the brakes slowly when
stopping on a wet surface.
Slow down as you approach a cor-
ner or turn. Once you have com-
pleted a turn, accelerate slowly.
Be careful when passing parked
cars. A driver might not see you
and open a door in your path.
Railroad crossings, streetcar rails,
iron plates on road construction
sites, and manhole covers be-
come extremely slippery when
wet. Slow down and cross them
with caution. Keep the scooter up-
right, otherwise it could slide out
from under you.
The brake pads and linings could
get wet when you wash the scoot-
er. After washing the scooter,
check the brakes before riding.
Always wear a helmet, gloves,
trousers (tapered around the cuff
and ankle so they do not flap), and
a bright colored jacket.
Do not carry too much luggage on
the scooter. An overloaded scoot-
er is unstable. Use a strong cord to
secure any luggage to the carriers.
A loose load will affect the stability
of the scooter and could divert
your attention from the road. (See
page 1-1.) Page 5 Wednesday, December 12, 2007 9:37 AM