PM5D / PM5D-RH Quick Start Guide Part 3
More Library Window dragging.
This technique of dragging items across the library win-
dow will work for other library items too.
Notable exceptions are the User Defi ned Key libraries and
the SETUP library. It is not possible to, say create a Bank
B, and drag it into the console or create some preferences
and drag them into the console. These can only enter the
console by synchronisation or by loading from a prepared
PCMCIA card.
In addition to the library items, scenes can be dragged in
this way, but we should pay special attention to scenes be-
cause they are complicated by the linking of Input Patch,
Output Patch and HA libraries.
Memory Structure of Scenes.
The PM5D scene memory contains the huge range of parameters such as EQ, dynamics, levels, FX presets
and parameters, GEQ etc. that make up the mix. But it is important to understand that the patching and particularly the
naming of channels is not stored within the scene memory. HA values and +48V settings are also stored separately in
an HA library. Input patch and name is in the Input Patch Library and Output patch and name is in the Output Patch
So for the console to make a scene recall properly it must not only have the stored scene data, but also the HA Library
(RH only), Input Patch Library and Output Patch Library. The engineer has only one recall button so obviously there
must be internal links. When a scene is recalled the appropriate libraries are recalled at the same time via these links.
In normal operation of the console this is done automatically, but when Advanced loading scenes and libraries it is some-
times necessary to reset these links. The linked library number is stored as part of the scene when the scene is created.
An alternative to dragging from INTERNAL DATA to
FILE and saving as a library fi le, is to open two instances
of the PM5DV2 Editor. The advantage of this is that two
sessions can be opened at the same time and data dragged
across from one to the other without going through the
middle stage of saving. This is particularly effective when
one editor is on-line with the console and one is off-line.
You can drag from an off-line session and drop directly
into the console! Take great care not to have two editors
on-line with the console at the same time and name the
editors to avoid confusion!
Using two PM5DV2 Editors.