PM5D / PM5D-RH Quick Start Guide Part 3
Now is a good time to store your scene and save your setup
After completing the naming and the patch it is a good
time to make a fi rst save of your setup. We will go on to
Save the data as a console fi le on a memory card, but fi rst
we should Store the setup we have done so far as a scene
within that fi le.
Remember Yamaha uses the term “Store” for creating
scene memories and “Save” for creating whole console
and other setup memories.
Open the SCENE window and select a scene location, then
press [STORE].
The Store process does not prompt you to add a name,
but you can do this by double clicking on the [Initial data]
name area.
.PM5D format
.PM5 fi les can be opened by PM5D consoles and the
PM5DV2 Edtior, .YSE fi les can only be opened by the
If you are setting up the most simple system of one PM5D
console it makes sense to always save as .PM5 fi le using
the Editor File>Save menu.
.YSE format
The other formats offer some advantages. One small con-
venience is that the .YSE fi les open with the same window
layout as they were stored with, so they can be faster to
get going with. Also the .YSE fi le format is necessary as
a component of a .YSM (Yamaha Studio Manager) fi le.
Editor: File> Save As> .PM5
The exact way of saving depends on whether you use a Windows or Mac computer, but the routine should be familiar.
Go to File>Save. The fi rst time you save a dialogue box will ask you to name the fi le and choose where to save it.
Choose a name like “The Examples show” and save in a folder on your system. There are two formats that the data can
be saved in; a .PM5 fi le or a .YSE fi le (Yamaha Studio Editor).
Store a scene
Save a session
If you don’t store your setup as a user scene with a number it can be still be saved to a card and it will be loaded as the
current scene. However, it can’t be loaded as an individual scene into another session fi le if it hasn’t been stored and
remember if you load your data as the current scene it is vulnerable to being changed by accident and there is no scene to
return to, so it is very advisable to store as a scene.