Virtual Acoustic Synthesis
The Instrument
The key block in this algorithm is the instrument, since it is here that the fundamental tone
or “timbre” of the sound is defined. The instrument model consists primarily of a driver —
the reed/mouthpiece, lip/mouthpiece, or bow/string system — and a resonant system corre-
sponding to the tube and air column or string.
One of the remarkable features of the Virtual Acoustic Synthesis system is that just about
any driver can be used with any type of pipe or string.
• The sound thus produced is amplified and sustained by the body of the instrument.
• The pitch of the sound is determined by the length of the air column or string, and the timbre is a complex
product of the driving source (reed, lip, air, string), the shape of the resonant cavity, the materials from
which the instrument is made, etc.
In all these instruments pressure applied here (the
driving point) causes vibration which results in sound.
Reed vibration
Lip vibration
Air vibration
String vibration