MOX6/MOX8 Reference Manual
Utility Mode
Knob Curve
Adjusts the touch response sensitivity in five steps. Larger values provide higher sensitivity, letting you make large
changes to the actual value even with slight turning of the Knob.
table1 – table5
LCD Mode
Switches the backlight of the LCD.
normal, reverse
LCD Contrast
Adjusts the LCD contrast.
1 – 16
These special Voice-related settings are available only when entering the Utility mode from the Voice mode, letting you
set parameters related to all the Voices.
[SF1] MFX (Master Effect)
From this display you can set the Master Effect related parameters applied to all the Voices. Details on each parameter
are the same as in Performance Common Edit. See
[SF2] MEQ (Master EQ)
From this display you can apply five-band equalization (LOW, LOW MID, MID, HIGH MID, HIGH) to all Voices. Details on
each parameter are the same as in Performance Common Edit. See
[SF3] ARP CH (Arpeggio Channel)
MIDIOutSwitch (MIDI Output Switch)
This enables or disables MIDI data output for the Arpeggio function. When this is set to “on,” Arpeggio data is sent via
MIDI in the Voice mode.
off, on
TransmitCh (Transmit Channel)
Determines the MIDI channel through which Arpeggio playback data will be sent (when Output Switch above is on).
1 – 16
These special Song- and Pattern-related settings are available only when entering the Utility mode from the Song or
Pattern mode.
From this display you can set the parameters related to the click sound (metronome) that is used during recording or
playback in the Song/Pattern mode.
Determines whether the metronome click will sound or not, and under what conditions.
off, rec, rec/play, all
off....................... The click will not sound.
rec ..................... The click will sound during Song/Pattern recording only.
rec/play.............. The click will sound during Song/Pattern recording and playback.
all ....................... The click will always sound.
Determines on which beats the metronome click will sound.
6 (16th notes), 08 (8th notes), 04 (quarter notes), 02 (half notes), 01 (whole notes)
[F2] SEQ (Sequencer)