MOX6/MOX8 Reference Manual
Voice Mode
FineScaling (Fine Scaling Sensitivity)
Determines the degree to which the notes (specifically, their position or octave range) affect the pitch in Fine Tuning
(above) of the selected Element, regarding C3 as the basic pitch.
-64 – +0 – +63
Allows you to randomly vary the pitch of the Element for each note played.
0 – 127
[SF2] VEL SENS (Velocity Sensitivity)
From this display you can determine how the PEG (Pitch EG) responds to velocity.
EGTime (EG Time Velocity Sensitivity)
Segment (EG Time Velocity Sensitivity Segment)
Determines the velocity sensitivity of the PEG Time parameters. Select the Segment, and then set its Time parameter.
EGTime: -64 – +0 – +63
Segment: atk, atk+dcy, dcy, atk+rls, all
atk (attack)............................... EG Time parameter affects Attack time.
atk+dcy ( decay)........ EG Time Value affects Attack/Decay1 time.
dcy (decay) ............................. EG Time parameter affects Decay Time
atk+rls ( release) ........ EG Time Value affects Attack/Release time.
all ............................................. EG Time affects all PEG Time parameters.
EGDepth (EG Depth Velocity Sensitivity)
Curve (EG Depth Velocity Sensitivity Curve)
Determines the velocity sensitivity of the PEG Depth. The Curve parameter lets you select from five different preset
velocity curves (graphically indicated in the display) that determine how velocity affects the Pitch EG Depth.
EGDepth: -64 – +0 – +63
Curve: 0 – 4
Pitch (Pitch Velocity Sensitivity)
Determines the velocity sensitivity of the pitch.
-64 – +0 – +63
[SF3] PEG (Pitch Envelope Generator)
From this display you can make all time and level settings for the Pitch EG, which determine how the pitch of the sound
changes over time. These can be used to control the change in pitch from the moment a note is pressed on the
keyboard to the moment the sound stops. The full names of the available parameters are shown in the chart below, as
they appear in the display.
TIME: 0 – 127
LEVEL: -128 – +0 – +127
DEPTH: -64 – +0 – +63
For details on PEG, see the “Synthesizer Parameter Manual” PDF document.
ATK (Attack)
DCY1 (Decay 1)
DCY2 (Decay 2)
REL (Release)
Hold Time
Attack Time
Decay 1 Time
Decay 2 Time
Release Time
Hold Level
Attack Level
Decay 1 Level
Decay 2 Level
Release Level