DisklavierTV User’s
Guide (For Disklavier Mark IV Users)
Updating Your Disklavier
Important Note:
Your Disklavier must have 3.0 or higher to utilize the Network Update feature. If your
version is lower than 3.0, please contact Yamaha customer support (phone: 866-430-
2652, online: 4wrd.it/D-TVsupport) and request a Version 4.0 Update Kit. You will still
need to update your Disklavier to the latest version by connecting the Disklavier to
the Internet after installing the Version 4.0 Update Kit.
Tap on [Internet] on PRC-100.
The [Internet] screen appears.
Tap on [Network Update].
If there is any update program available,
the [Update Available] pop-up appears.
Go to step 3.
If you have the latest version of firmware,
the [Firmware Up To Date] pop-up appears.
Tap on [Close].
Skip the following steps and go to “Logging
into Your Account” on page 20.