Song Settings Related to Playback/Recording
CVP-709/CVP-705 Reference Manual
Playing Backing Parts with the Performance Assistant Technology
This feature lets you play your own backing parts on the keyboard along with MIDI Song playback, and have them sound
perfectly appropriate (even though the notes you play might be wrong).
Select a MIDI Song containing chord data.
The Performance Assistant Technology is applied only to MIDI Songs containing chord data. To confirm whether
the selected Song contains chord data or not, call up the Home display with the Style area shown, then start playback
of the Song. If the current Song contains chord data, the current chord type appears in the Style area. After stopping
playback, go to the next step.
Call up the operation display via [Menu] → [SongSetting] → [Play].
Set the Performance Assistant to “On.”
Selecting a Song will turn off the Performance Assistant.
Press the SONG CONTROL [
] (PLAY/PAUSE) button to start playback.
Play the keyboard.
Along with MIDI Song playback, try playing a bass line in the left hand area while playing various phrases or chords
in the right hand area. Even if you do not know what notes should be played, don’t worry and play any keys as
desired! Only the harmonically “correct” notes matching the current chord are sounded, regardless of the notes you
actually play.
Press the SONG CONTROL [
](STOP) button to stop playback.
Re-recording a Specific Section of the MIDI Song — Punch In/Out
When re-recording a specific section of an already-recorded MIDI Song, use the Punch In/Out function. In this method,
only the data between the Punch In point and the Punch Out point is overwritten with the newly recorded data. Keep in
mind that the notes before and after the Punch In/Out points are not recorded over, and you will hear them play back
normally to guide you in the Punch In/Out timing.
Call up the operation display via [Menu] → [SongSetting] → [Rec] → Page 1/2.
Set the parameters such as how the Recording starts/stops and the Punch In/Out position.
The parameters here cannot be set while recording.
Chord Detection
Determines the priority of the chords for accompaniment, either the ones contained in the
MIDI Song being played back or the chord you’ve just played in the chord section of the
• MIDI Song:
Gives priority to the chords contained in the MIDI Song.
• Keyboard:
Gives priority to the chords you play in the chord section of the keyboard. Set this if
you want to practice playing chords with MIDI Song playback. Once you play in the chord
section during MIDI song playback, the instrument ignores the chords contained in the MIDI
Song until the playback ends.