From the Main Menu, hover over ‘Record’ and then move mouse over ‘Backup’ and left click to select.
This option allows you to back up your video recording onto a USB Flash Drive.
Insert a USB Flash Drive into the top USB port on the back of the DVR and left click on the ‘Detect’ button
(top right of the screen).
The USB Flash Drive will now have been detected and appear within the box on screen (If the Flash Drive
is not detected the DVR will need to be re-started with the USB flash drive still inserted).
Once the USB Flash Drive is detected you will need to left click the ‘Backup’ button underneath ‘Detect’.
You will see a list of recordings in the box on screen as shown in the image (above). This will prompt you to
select a clip based on dates for backing up.
NOTE: Make sure back up format is AVI.
Select AVI from the
drop down list at the bottom of the page by left clicking.
Left click on ‘Start’ to begin the back up. When back up is complete, left click on ‘OK’ to dismiss the
message, right click anywhere on the screen to return.
Other Backup Options
– Not supported
– Erase files currently on your USB Flash Drive
– Stop any ongoing back up process.
NOTE - Please ensure you allow the DVR to complete the backup before removing the USB Flash
Drive. Failure to do so could result in the system crashing.