RX (MAIN band)
Press this key to activate receive on the MAIN band
frequency. The LED inside the key will glow green
when the transceiver is receiving on the MAIN band
When pressed, the MAIN band received audio is
muted and the indicator is turned OFF.
When muted, the bandwidth color chang-
es from red to gray.
The receiver audio will disappear but the
band information will be displayed.
TX (MAIN band)
When this key is pushed, the LED inside the key
will glow red; and, when the PTT switch is pressed,
the transceiver will transmit on the MAIN band fre-
To transmit at the SUB band frequency,
press the SUB band side [TX] key.
Pressing this key momentarily, exchanges the
MAIN band and SUB band frequency data. If
pressed and hold, both the MAIN and SUB bands
will be the operating band frequencies.
TX (SUB band)
When this key is pushed, the LED inside the key
will glow red; and, when the PTT switch is pressed,
the transceiver will transmit on the SUB band fre-
To transmit at the MAIN band frequency,
press the MAIN band side [TX] key.
RX (SUB band)
Press this key to activate receive on the SUB band
frequency. The LED inside the key will glow green
when the transceiver is receiving on the SUB band
When pressed, the SUB band received audio is
MUTED and the indicator is turned OFF.
When muted, the bandwidth color chang-
es from red to gray.
The receiver audio will disappear but the
band information will be displayed.
Switching bands to operate
Dial knobs etc.
The MAIN band receiver (left side of the screen)
and the SUB band receiver (right side of the
screen) are completely independent dual receivers,
with separate circuit configurations, different fre-
quencies and operations.
Press the [MAIN] or [SUB] key to switch the receiv-
When the [MAIN] key appears in white, common
dials and other knobs operate for the MAIN band.
When the [SUB] key is shown in blue, common
controls such as the dial controls operate for the
SUB band.
The large frequency display with the under-
line is the current operating frequency.