RS-1600-FC-FFX2 User Guide
2.2.1 Enclosure Bay Numbering Convention
The enclosure bay numbering convention is shown in
Figure 2–1
. A Bay is defined as the space required
to house a single 1.0" high 3.5 inch disk drive in its carrier module. e.g. a 1 x 4 bay module would take
the space of 1 drive width by 4 drive bays high (in the rack mount configuration).
The RS-1600-FC-FFX2 subsystem is housed in a 4 x 4 enclosure, i.e. 4 bays wide by 4 bays high. The
front bays are numbered 1 to 4 from left to right, viewed from the front. Bays are numbered from 1 (top
row) to 4 (bottom row). Drive Carrier Module locations are identified from a matrix of the top and side
numbers. The rear bays are numbered 1 to 5 from right to left, viewed from the rear
Drive carrier module must always be fitted in locations 1/1 (drive 0) and 4/4 (drive 15). This is the
minimum configuration required for the system to operate and provide SES Management
2.3 Enclosure Installation Procedures
The RS-1600-FC-FFX2 enclosure with all its component parts installed is too heavy for easy installation
into a Rack cabinet. The following procedures describe the installation of the RS-1600-FC-FFX2
enclosure and highlights any critical co-requisite requirements and good handling practices which we
encourage you to follow so as to ensure that a successful installation is achieved in the easiest manner.
Ensure that you have fitted and checked a suitable anti-static wrist or ankle strap and observe all
conventional ESD precautions when handling RS-1600-FC-FFX2 modules and components.
Avoid contact with Backplane components and module connectors, etc.
Figure 2–1
Module locations