ColorVis 705 IQ
Field of application
The ColorVis 705 IQ
is an online sensor for coloration measurement.
Range of application monitoring
Measuring location
Ultrasound cleaning
The ultrasound cleaning system ensures low maintenance and long-term reli
able measurement operation.
The ultrasound source integrated in the sensor excites the measurement
windows to produce vibrations in the ultrasound range. The
movement of the surface as a result of this prevents the growth of pollution in
almost all cases and, thus, ensures reliable measured values during continuous
Compressed air
cleaning (option)
The sensor is designed to be equipped with an additional compressed air-driven
cleaning system, which supports the ultrasound cleaning system as necessary.
Measuring principle of the sensor ColorVis 705 IQ
The sensor operates according to the measuring principle of spectrometry.
Any substance contained in a measuring solution attenuates a light beam that
penetrates the measuring solution. The attenuation (absorbance) of the light
beam is measured for individual wavelengths.
The extent of the absorbance depends on the amount of the substance.
With this measuring principle, measuring does not take place continuously but
at intervals.