XRN Quick Setup Guide
1. Product Overview
4. Network Setup
Before adding IP cameras and connecting network cables to your XRN, you will firstly have to set an IP
address on your XRN NVR. Once this is done, you have the option to either set IP addresses manually on
your XC IP cameras or use the Auto IP option. This will be covered after the below section for finding and
adding an IP address to your XRN.
All of the XRN NVR’s and XC IP cameras will share the same default IP address ( However,
this means that there will be a conflict on your LAN if all equipment is connected at the same time, so you
will need to change some of the IP addresses.
Firstly, check what your PC and Routers IP address is, to do this please follow the guide 4.1.
Follow the steps below find an available IP address on an XRN NVR or XC camera to the local network.
On your Windows PC keyboard press the windows key and the letter R together. The run bar will
appear, as shown in the image to the below.
Type in ‘ipconfig’ and press the enter key on the keyboard.
4.1 Windows
Type: CMD and press the enter key on the keyboard. The command prompt will appear as shown below.