route dial rules.
Calls from PSTN to SIP
1) Create an inbound route on your SIP server, and select the SIP trunk you
have registered just now.
Configure a “Port->IP” route on XT-800FXO Gateway, choose a PSTN trunk
or PSTN trunk group in
the field “Call Source”, and choose the SIP account
in the filed “Call Destination”.
3) When a call comes to PSTN trunk on XT-800FXO Gateway, the call will be
routed to the destination of the SIP server inbound route.
Register SIP account on IP phone
With account mode, you can directly take the SIP account to register on your SIP
phone or softphone; then make calls from softphone though PSTN trunk on XT-
800FXO Gateway and receive incoming calls on your SIP phone or softphone. In
this way, you don’t have to set up any SIP server.
VoIP Mode
Take a SIP account from your SIP server, and register it on XT-800FXO Gateway as a
VoIP trunk. In this way, XT-800FXO and your SIP server are connected.
Calls from SIP to PSTN
1) Configure a IP-> Port route on XT-800FXO; choose the VoIP trunk in the field
“Call Source”, and choose PSTN trunk in the field “Call Destination”.
Two-stage Dialing
on the route.
2) Make a call from your SIP server, dial the SIP account number which is
registered on XT-800FXO Gateway. You will hear a dial tone, then dial the
external number out through PSTN trunk.
Calls from PSTN to SIP
1) Configure a Port->IP route on XT-800FXO, choose PSTN trunk in the field
“Call Source”, and choose the SIP trunk in the field “Call Destination”.
2) When an incoming call reaches PSTN trunk on XT-800FXO, you will hear a
dial tone, then dial an extension number of the SIP server.
SPS Mode
Create a Service Provider SIP trunk on XT-800FXO to connect to your SIP server.
Add another Service Provider SIP trunk on your SIP server, connecting to XT-
Calls from SIP to PSTN
1) Create one outbound route on your SIP sever, and select the SIP trunk you
have created just now.
2) Configure a IP->Port route on XT-800FXO, choose the SPS trunk in the field
“Call Source”, and choose PSTN trunk in the field “Call Destination”.
3) Make a call from your SIP Server and the call should match the outbound
route dial rules.
Calls from PSTN to SIP