Some parameters can be modified in special Flash registers, as shown in the following table:
Setting value
Counting mode
0: relative 1: absolute
Execution mode SFD331
0: execution once 1: interruption cycle
CAM function
0: not enable 1: enable cam function
The above parameters can also be configured by the configuration panel in the following way:
Move the mouse over the high-speed counting instruction and right-click it. Select "CNT_AB
Instruction Parameter Configuration" from the drop-down menu. A configuration panel will
appear to configure the parameters in this window. As shown in the following figure:
5-9-9. Application of HSC interruption
Application 1:
When M0 is ON, HSC0 starts counting. The counting value is stored in the address starting
from HD0. When it reaches the set value, the interruption is produced. When the rising edge
of M1 is coming, clear the HSC0.
Method 1:
Configure the parameters through XDPpro software: