Use only Xingyi parts and accessories, For your own safety, The Safety of others and the life of your machines.
9. The machine cannot be near the place where there are explosive flammable materials and steam.
Do not operate the machine beside dust, solvents, thinner or other flammable materials.
2.2 Operational safety instructions
Operators should wear protective equipment when using the machine, such as dust
masks, protective gloves, overalls, helmets, insulated shoes and so on.
The machine must be checked before work, the machine without leak of electricity,
oil, water and so on. The machine can be used normally.
Before the operation, should check the integrity of the machine to ensure that the
electrical parts is without moisture phenomenon and the operation control switch is in good
Make sure there are no obstructions or people in the work area and ensure that
there is sufficient lighting in the work area.
For the safety of the operator and others, the dust skirt must be in place. For the
dry grinding, must be equipped with a vacuum cleaner.
The machine is connected to a suitable electrical outlet. Use only power wires that
can suffer high current.
Do not adjust the machine during machine operation. Only when the machine is
stopped and the emergency stop switch has been pressed, the worker can adjust the
The machine lever has a different position locking function. The function of these
locations in this manual has the picture content description.
Replace the diamond tools or accessories, you must ensure that the machine has
stopped running and confirm that the emergency stop switch has been pressed, if necessary,
disconnect the power or pull out the plug. The machine is away from the drain and the mouth
of range or other dangerous goods, otherwise it will cause personal injury or machine,
property damage.
The machine is away from the drain and the mouth of range or other dangerous
goods, otherwise it will cause personal injury or machine, property damage.
Hold the handle, turn the emergency stop switch clockwise, turn the forward and