I/O Module v1.02a
PG052 October 16, 2012
General Design Guidelines
The UART can be configured with either fixed or programmable baud rate. When using
programmable baud rate the UART_BAUD register is used to set the baud rate. The initial
value of this register is determined from the selected fixed baud rate. The register value is
calculated by the formula:
Fixed Interval Timer, FIT
The Fixed Interval Timer generates a strobe (interrupt) signal at fixed intervals. The Fixed
Interval Timer asserts the output signal
one clock cycle every
C_FITx_NO_CLOCKS. Operation begins immediately after FPGA configuration and the clock
is running. The
output signal is toggled each time
asserted, creating a 50% duty cycle output with twice the FITx_Interrupt period. Using the
parameter C_FITx_INTERRUPT, the FIT can be connected to the Interrupt Controller of the
I/O Module and used for generating interrupts every time the strobe occurs.
Programmable Interval Timer, PIT
The Programmable Interval Timer, PIT, has a configurable width from 1 to 32. The PIT
operation and period are controlled by software.
output signal is asserted one clock cycle when the timer lapses. The
timer can be used in continuous mode, where the timer reloads automatically when it
lapses. In continuous mode, the period between two
assertions is the
value in PITx Preload Re 2 count events.
The PIT can also be used in one-shot mode, where the timer stops when it has reached zero.
The timer is implemented by means of a counter that is pre-loaded with the timer value and
then decremented. When the counter reaches zero, the timer lapses, and the interrupt
signal is generated. The timer starts counting when it is enabled by setting the EN bit in the
PITx Control Register.
output signal is toggled each time
is asserted,
creating a 50% duty cycle output with twice the
period when the timer
is operated in continuous mode.
The value of the counter that implements the timer can be read by software if the
C_PITx_Readable parameter is enabled.The PIT can have a pre-scaler connected from any
FITx, PITx, or External. The pre-scaler is selected by the C_PITx_PRESCALER parameter. The
PIT has no pre-scaler by default. If External is selected the input signal
used as pre-scaler. Selecting External as pre-scaler can also be used to measure the width in
clock cycles of a signal connected to the
Using the parameter C_PITx_INTERRUPT, the PIT can be connected to the Interrupt
Controller of the I/O Module and used for generating interrupts every time it lapses.
Clock Frequency of Clk (Hz)
Baud Rate 16
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