A status bar in the device window will monitor the Firmware upgrade progress.
When the Firmware has been uploaded to the device, the device will automatically restart and
update its internal data. This may take several minutes.
During this period, the device network indicator will turn RED and appear offline.
DO NOT POWER OFF THE DEVICE as the device is performing self-initialization.
Once the device is initialized, the status indicator will become Yellow. This indicates that the device
does not have a design file loaded to it yet.
NOTE: Powering Off your device during a firmware upgrade can result in a complete corruption
of the processor. If this happens, please follow the ‘Xilica Designer: Firmware Upgrade’ guide.
Note: If more than one unit needs a firmware upgrade, you can save time by updating them all at the same
time. This can be done as long as they are the same Network and have a green network indicator (connected
and operational), as displayed on the Network View page.
The network indicator of the device should now be green and the device is ready for use.
Click ’Ok’ to select a file from your computer. Then navigate to the appropriate firmware file that you
have downloaded from our website. Select the correct file and click “Open”.
(Ex. A Neutrino A1616-N is being updated, so the firmware file at the time of this QSG is Neutrino_5_4_2.img.)
NeuPanel: Firmware upgrade