VVDI – MB TOOL User Manual
Ver: 2.1
10. KM Repair
This function support to repair the dashboard KM
(Menu -> Other Function -> Read and
Write Dashboard)
Support Type
1. C(W204), GLK(X204), CLK(W207), E(W212), SLS(W197), CLS(W218)
2. R-Class(W251), GL(X164), ML(W164)
3. E-Class(W211), CLS(W219)
4. S-Class(W221), CL(216)
5. W166, W172, W246, W231
6. W205
W204, W207, W212
…and S-Class (W221), CL (216): If you want block KM
synchronization between EZS and dashboard, you need to backup CGW
(Gateway) EEPROM and FLASH before write KM.
For S-Class(W221), CL (216), block KM synchronization require update
Gateway FLASH and EEPROM. You can provide the FLASH and EEPROM that
you have. If you
don‟t provide these files. We will use the FALSH and EEPROM
from Gateway, only need some time to read it.
W166, W172, W246, W231 and W205: these 2 types only support change KM in