VVDI – MB TOOL User Manual
Ver: 2.1
About query result status
Query result support query calculation result in 24 hours, others
don‟t support
Query result will display Time, SSID, Status, Filename (name when upload to server)
Status has the following types:
1. Queuing: number x, require about y minutes, means your task need y minutes
2. Processing: requires 1 minutes, means your task need 1 minute to finish
3. Password: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Free), means success find password,
“Free” show
this task is calculated for free or this task already success calculated before
4. Discard: Once you success calculate the password, in 2 hours, the upload
acquisition data with same SSID will discard
5. Already upload: means the server already have this file in queuing
6. Pay for password calculation before upload: means your device does
n‟t have
authorize for calculation. Contact your dealer and pay for password calculation
7. Failed: means this task failed to get password, you can run data acquisition again.
Failed task is always free