- 13 -
MODE: in the stop state, press it to select programs in turn: manual mode (normal state) -
time countdown- distance countdown – calorie countdown.
START: in the stop state, press it to start up the motor.
STOP: when the motor is running, press it to stop the motor.
SPEED +: in setting sate, press it to increase the set value. When the motor is running,
press it to increase the speed.
SPEED -: in setting sate, press it to decrease the set value. When the motor is running,
press it to decrease the speed.
I: in setting sate, press it to increase the set value. When the motor is running,
press it to increase the incline.
INCLINE -: in setting sate, press it to decrease the set value. When the motor is running,
press it to decrease the incline.
When the safety lock is removed, press MODE for 3s to for metric –inch
II Instructions to fixed program/ startup
1. Program:
One manual mode, including normal mode, time countdown, calorie countdown and
distance countdown modes.
18 fixed programs: P01, P02… P18.
3 customized programs: U01, U02 and U03.
2. Startup
Past the safety lock to the safety lock switch position on the panel.
Press “START” and the window will display 3—2—1; for each time of number reduction, the
buzzer will sound. Then, the motor will be started.
III Manual mode:
How to enter manual mode:
A. Switch on the power supply; then, directly enter normal mode under the manual mode.
B. In stop state, press MODE to select normal mode under the manual mode.
Three setting functions under manual mode: time setting, distance setting and calorie setting.
A. When entering the manual mode, the time is displayed as 0:00.
B. In manual mode, press MODE to enter time countdown mode; the time window will display
the time and flicker; the initial time is 30:00; set countdown time by SPEED +/ SPEED - and
I/ INCLINE -. Time setting range: 5:00-99:00.
C. In time countdown mode, press MODE to enter distance countdown mode; the initial
distance will be displayed as 1.00 km/mi; set the distance by SPEED +/ SPEED - and
I/ INCLINE - in the range of 0.50-99.90 km/mi; each time of increase/ decrease will
be 0.1 km/mi.
D. In distance countdown mode, press MODE to enter calorie countdown mode; the initial
distance will be displayed as 50.0kcal; set the calorie by SPEED +/ SPEED - and INCLINE
+/ INCLINE - in the range of 10.0-999.0 kcal; each time of increase/ decrease will be 1.0kcal.
3. Operation in manual mode:
A. Press START and the motor will start operating after 3s of countdown; the initial speed will
be 1.0km/h for metric system or 0.6mile/h for imperial system.
B. Press SPEED +/ SPEED - to adjust speed.
C. Press I/ INCLINE - to adjust the incline.
D. Press speed shortcuts to quickly set up to the speed marked on the key.
E. Press incline shortcuts to quickly set up to the incline marked on the key.