HID Xenon & LED Lighting Technology for Aerospace, Military and Industry
4245 Airport Rd. Ogden, UT 84405-3301, USA
info: +1 (801) 622-7000 1-800-366-4415 fax: +1 (801) 622-7277
The searchlight is equipped with a set of Li-Ion cells assembled (enclosed) in an anodized
aluminum housing, (battery pack) that can be recharged repeatedly. Cells
are heavily
load (power drain)
during operation of the searchlight. Therefore wait 5 min after
finishing use of
(turned off)
the searchlight
If you connect the
searchlight to the charger immediately after switching off of the searchlight or immediately
after complete discharge, the charger will not start the charging! The internal batteries need a
few minutes to cool down.
Check the small indicator LED on the charger:
Green light off
– Battery is not connected
Green light blinking – Charging
Green light on
– Battery is full
Red light blinking – caution! – faulty operation, please disconnect and try again
ON-OFF Switch
The black rotary dial just behind the handle serves to switch the searchlight on and off.
Switching the searchlight on/off
50 W – Quickly rotate the dial clockwise 360
35 W – Quickly rotate the dial counterclockwise 360
OFF – Quickly rotate the dial in opposite direction of the selected wattage
Note: Quick movements are necessary to switch the searchlight ON or OFF.