file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/Miz%20B/My%2...TA/Nuvera%209.0%20UGTA_FINAL/English/hdi_p_031.htm (1 of 2)8/13/2008 2:19:38 PM
Managing Print Jobs
The Xerox Nuvera can be operated so that incoming jobs are held until an operator retrieves them at the system and applies job
programming before actually being sent to print.
In a Xerox Nuvera system this workflow is usually handled by a
, or a location on the machine where jobs line up and wait for
further processing by an operator. Systems with the Productivity Pack license enabled, have more than one queue to set for different job
statuses. For those Xerox Nuvera systems that do not have the Productivity Pack license enabled, there is only one queue and all jobs
coming in simply pass through and are processed and completed. However, you can manage print jobs in a manner resembling a
traditional hold queue by using the Do Not Release feature. Right-click on the queue and select [Do Not Release Jobs] to prevent jobs
from processing or to hold jobs until each one is released to print.
This is a useful workflow to follow, as the browser and client driver offer only a subset of the capabilities available at the actual system.
Additionally, there may be occasions when you'll want to hold jobs until a certain point in the workday; such as large jobs that require
more processing time and paper resources.
To manage multiple jobs submitted from a client
Basic job management controls
Following are basic descriptions of what you should expect when you apply a job management control to a job. For more details on each
system control, see the online Help system at the Xerox Nuvera.
1. Place the Xerox Nuvera in
Do Not Release Job
status or create a
2. Any print jobs submitted to it will go into the Active Jobs list.
3. From a client application, submit jobs to the Xerox Nuvera or submit jobs to a
4. In Job Manager locate the job you just submitted to the system.
5. Right-click on each job and select
. Make any job programming choices.
6. When satisfied with your settings, select
and if needed, select
Release Jobs
Enables you to verify job programming selections are
correct by running one copy.
You need to make many copies of a job,
but are unsure about the job attributes
you've selected. Once job is proofed, you
can release it to print from the Inactive
Jobs list.
Print Now
Moves the job in front of all other jobs in the print queue.
Use this control when a print job has high
Halts active processing of the job, prevents any new
processing of that job, and reclaims any system resources
held by the job. Job is
not added
Completed Jobs
To prevent unwanted jobs from
processing and to reclaim system
resources for other job processing.
How Do I?
System Tour
: Jobs that were sent to a Do Not Release queue and are pending job processing are displayed in the Job Manager's
Inactive job list with a Held By Queue job status. The Inactive job list identifies jobs as either Ineligible, Held By User, Held By
Operator, Held By Queue and Faulted. Jobs in the Inactive job list can be sorted by Status for easier identification and access of
the Held jobs.
Control Name
Effect on job
When / Why should I use this control?
Problem Solving
About this Site
: When deleting a job, the system
completely removes the chosen job from the
. As a result, you will no longer have
access to the components of the job, including job
attributes, images, and other resources. If you
think you may want to run the job at a later time,
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