62 Xerox LS Duplicator
to copy directly from the master disc .
When using On the Fly mode, no infor-
mation is stored on the hard drive .
14.10 Counter
This option will allow you to enable/dis-
able the Counter feature by turning this
feature ON or OFF . This feature will noti-
fy you how many discs have been copied
and how many discs are left to go .
14.11 DVD+R High Compatibility Mode
This feature will allow you to enable/dis-
able the DVD+R High Compatibility
Mode feature by turning this feature ON
or OFF . The purpose of this feature is
to increase the compatibility of DVD+R
media with a broader range of DVD
Video players . This process will increase
the amount of time required to duplicate
your disc(s) .
14.12 ISRC
This option will allow you to enable/dis-
able copying the ISRC code of the Audio
CD . ISRC is the serial# of the audio tracks
that uniquely identifies the song in that
audio track . This ISRC code is commonly
found in commercial Audio CD’s and
rarely seen on home made Audio CDs .
By enabling this feature, the duplication
performance will be lowered .
14.13 Disable Drives
This feature allows you to disable certain
drives/trays when those drives/trays are
producing high failure rates or not func-
tioning properly .